Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hola, ciao, aloha, bonjour and all that

So I've had this blog for awhile and I decided I'm actually gonna start posting here!  Woo!

How about we start off with introductions?

So...I'm a 15-year-old girl who lives in Massachusetts.  I'm entering my 2nd year at Norfolk County Agricultural High School (aka Norfolk Aggie) this fall, making me an almost-10th-grader.  My favorite color is purple.  I have an obsession with anime, especially Pandora Hearts and Hetalia.  I am a Grammar Nazi and I want to be a conservationist when I grow up.  I'm a history nerd and an ex-band geek (my school has no band :( ).  I love cats.  My three favorite animals are tigers, snakes and capybaras.  Oh, and my only claim to fame is that I've only lost the pocky game once!  Oh, and I love Harry Potter.  A lot.

Now what.

Ummm..........  Huh.  Oh!  Lately I've become obsessed with Eurovision because it's freaking awesome like Prussia!  I mean listen to these songs.  They're amazing!  I plan on actually watching it next year and not just listening to the songs afterward XD

Oh, and my friends are currently trying to set me up with this girl I met at a cosplay picnic back in June.  Her name's Dayna and apparently even though we've only met face-to-face twice and have only known each other since the end of June we're perfect for each other.  Or something.  I don't even know....my friends are all insane.

I'm also currently working on one of those 50-sentence challenge things and it's really hard.  But I'm writing again, which is good.  I've been meaning to write more anyway.  

I think that's it, for now.  

Oh, by the way, you can call me Liz or Wendigo.  Either one works.  And if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!  I'm not shy at all :D

(And if you were wondering, this is the pocky game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9RksAqjzJ0.)

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